Help Needed

We Need Your Help!!

Do you own your own business or know anyone who would like to advertise their business in the concert program? 

Would you like to purchase space in the program for a special message to Mac, to remember someone special or to memorialize a person/event? 

We are trying to sell ad space in the program to Ken McMonagle Music Fund.  We would like to enlist your help in this process.  Below are links to an introductory letter regarding sales of ads, an order information form and a listing of local businesses.  We would appreciate help from anyone interested in soliciting ads. 

Please add a comment along with your name if you have contacted any of the businesses on the list or if you would like us to contact you about placing an ad.  We will contact you.  Ads must be submitted to us by August 8th.

We appreciate any help you could provide to us!

We need all ads to Bob Best by Monday, August 6th, with money to pay for the ad by Wednesday, August 8th!

Thank you!

1.  Click on the link.  This will take you to the dropbox website.  There is no need to sign up for dropbox!
2.  Click on the download button.  This is located in the upper right hand corner of the webpage.  This will allow you to download the page onto your computer.  You can then either save the page into your "downloads folder" or into any folder on your computer.
3.  Open the document.  It will open into a Word application.  From there, you can print the document.
4.  Print the document out and distribute as needed.

Cover letter:

Advertising Information:

West Allis/West Milwaukee Business Listings:

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